Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust


The school takes all forms of harassment or bullying very seriously.  We recognise that it can make life unhappy and can hinder academic progress.

Bullying is different from other forms of unacceptable behaviour.  It is intended to hurt, is deliberate, unprovoked and usually takes place over a period of time, rather than being an isolated incident.

There are different types of bullying: 

  • Physical - such as pushing and kicking.
  • Verbal - such as name calling and jeering.
  • Emotional - such as sneering, laughing at someone or spreading rumours.

Remember, anyone can be a bully and anyone can be bullied - it can happen at home, in school or in the community. No-one has the right to attack you, make you scared or make your life a misery. No-one deserves to be bullied and by working together we can help stop the distress of bullying.

We encourage students that think they or another student is being bullied to tell someone e.g. a Tutor, a Head of Year, a Prefect or someone they can trust. 

For a confidential way to stop YOU or a FRIEND or SOMEONE you have seen suffering, visit The Sharp System.