Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Head's Welcome

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

It is my great privilege and honour, as Headteacher, to lead Haygrove School in providing children with an outstanding educational offer in a happy, respectful and positive environment. It is our goal to provide every child with an extensive range of opportunities and experiences that build confidence, resilience and responsibility. These characteristics are essential, not only for academic success, but for improving life chances and self-fulfillment. 

I am incredibly proud of the pastoral care and support we have in place for our students. In addition to our fantastic tutors and heads of year, we have a team of staff to support students' wellbeing and their families. The care we provide your children comes first and we will always ensure that great examination results do not come at the cost of a student’s wellbeing. We believe that this approach is fundamental to the future success of all of our children in their development. 

At Haygrove School, our students and staff work incredibly hard to achieve excellent academic success. In 2024 79% of our students achieved the required standard of a grade 9-4 in both GCSE English and GCSE Mathematics. These excellent results mean Haygrove is one of the top performing schools in Somerset. Our students are well-equipped to move onto the next stage of their education or training. 

Our extra-curricular offer is exceptional, with significant engagement of our students and staff throughout their time at school. The comprehensive programme that is on offer is highly valued by our students and forms a cornerstone of the holistic educational offer that we provide.  

We are committed to providing your children with excellence in all aspects of school life and their future development. Our website will provide you with a greater insight into our vision and values, but please do make an appointment to visit the school and see our fantastic learning community in action. 

Yours sincerely, 

Mr A Reid, Headteacher