First Aid
Haygrove School has a Principal First Aider responsible for administering emergency first aid to students during the school day, as well as over 70 members of staff who are first aid trained. If your child is injured outside of school, or becomes ill out of school hours, please visit a pharmacist or your GP for advice and medication. The school First Aiders can only provide support for incidents that occur during school hours.
Any incidents that do occur during the school day, including if your child falls ill, are immediately referred to a First Aider who will contact the child's parent or carer. The school ensures that there are qualified First Aiders on the premises at all times.
Please note:
- The Medical Room and First Aiders are for emergency first aid, or if your child is feeling unwell during the day
- Our First Aiders are here to support medical issues that arise in school hours only. If you have any concerns about your child's health, please make an appointment to see your GP.
- Students who require medication during the school day should only visit Student Services between lessons or at break/lunchtime. The only exception to this is for students with medical cards.
- If a student feels unwell they should try to only go to Student Services at the end of a lesson, unless their condition is serious.
What if my child becomes unwell at school?
If a student becomes unwell or has an accident during the school day, a qualified First Aider will provide emergency first aid or assistance. Contact will be made with parents/carers if the student need to be collected from school.
Click here for more information about illness and absence.
Medications in School
The school operates a 'no medication' policy which means, for the safety of all, students must ask the Principal First Aider to store any medicines they need. The medication will be stored for them in a locked cabinet. Students must not carry medication with them in bags, pockets etc. Medication is not supplied in school, students must bring in their own from home, clearly labelled with their name.
If you wish your child to receive simple pain relief a Permission to Administer Medication form must be completed and returned to the First Aid room. Alternatively you can sign the form that is located within your child’s planner. Parents only need to complete this form once as the authorisation remains valid until the child leaves the school.
If a student has a long term or short term course of prescribed antibiotics or medication which has been prescribed by their GP and must be taken during the school day, then the parent/carer will need to complete and sign a Permission to Administer Prescribed Medication form. The form along with the medicine must be given to the First Aider. Where possible, medications should be timed to be taken at break or lunchtimes.
Medical conditions and Health Care Plans
Students with such conditions such as diabetes or epilepsy and short term issue such as fracture will need a Health Care Plan (HCP). HCPs are updated annually and it is important that parents and carers of children with long term medical conditions complete and return their child’s HCP to the school each year. If your child does have a medical condition, please click on the HCP link to download a form.
Drop-in Health Clinic
We offer a Young Persons Drop-in Clinic every Thursday lunch time in D8.
No appointment needed, just turn up on your own, or bring a friend if you wish.
The principle aim of the drop in clinic is to provide a confidential advice service on a range of issues for young people, within the school environment. Support could include advice on sexual health issues, emotional health and well-being (e.g. self-harm), healthy lifestyles and alcohol safety. Young people will also have access to the c-card scheme, contraception and chlamydia screening kits. Other schools in the area already offer this service and have noticed that young people are encouraged to make healthier life choices, self-esteem is raised and they are more confident when using mainstream health and welfare services.
The clinic is run by a qualified nurse and each young person is individually assessed to ensure the most appropriate support and advice can be offered.
If you have any questions or queries about this health clinic then please contact the school nursing team on:
Parents: 07480 635515
Students: 07840 635 516
Somerset CC School Nurse Programme
Defibrillators on School Site
We now have two defibrillators on the school site. These are located:
- Next to the First Aid Room
- In the lobby of the Sports Hall
The Defibrillators are easily identifiable.
During school hours, if there is an emergency please call for a first aider. It is important to add that Defibrillators are designed to be used by anyone, with no prior training. The two we have in school are for use on adults as well as children. They will be checked regularly to ensure they are fit for use.
The British Red Cross have released a video on how to give CPR and how to use a Defibrillator. Please take a look and find the link below, its best to watch this video on a mobile/tablet device.
Get in touch with our First Aider