Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Glastongrove is coming!

We are planning on making this year’s Glastongrove at Haygrove School a community celebration event. We have many reasons to celebrate as a school - 50 years of Haygrove School, 100 years on the school site, the 300th anniversary of Dr Morgan’s philanthropic act to provide a school for the people of Bridgwater, the King’s Coronation and the official opening of the new school building – but also a brilliant opportunity to come together as a community.


Wednesday 19th July 2023

2.00pm - Festival starts for students

3.30pm - Parents and carers welcome to join the fun! We are very excited to have performances from local primary schools too this year.

6.00pm - Finish


As well as a fantastic line up of music, there will be a BBQ, ice cream stand, and games & stalls on the field. There will be a small charge for some of these, to help go towards covering the cost of the event.