Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Haygrove's Sports Assembly

This morning nearly 400 students and staff came together to enjoy our Sports Assembly, where we celebrate participation and achievement with all of the students who have represented the school teams over the past year.  

It has been fantastic to look back over all the memories, events and the many successes in Cricket, Athletics, Rugby, Netball, Football, Trampolining, Hockey, Basketball and Badminton. Haygrove has had an excellent sporting record with recognition as Sedgemoorchampions in many of these sports. We are also proud of our students who have found individual success representing at County, National and International Level.  

Our Team of the Year award goes to the Year 9 Football Team who won the County Cup last Summer and the Awards for Sports Personalities went to: Year 7: Henry and Rosie
Year 8: Harry and Marie
Year 9: Jakob and Alicia
Year 10: Tom and Bella
Year 11: Cormac and Millie  

Bring on the next year of sport at Haygrove and we look forward to seeing how many Honours Awards we can give out then to students who represent the school at three or more sports.  

A special mention to our students' families for enabling them to participate in all the extracurricular activities. We know a lot goes on behind the scenes getting kit prepared, lifts to and from, etc, so thank you!