Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Year 8 students visit We the Curious

This week we took 45 of our year 8 students to "We the Curious" in Bristol.

This was an exciting opportunity to show our students some of the science they have learnt in action, and importantly to have a try for themselves! There were many exciting exhibits for the students to interact with, from Animation stations, models of the human heart and even a robot that responded to your questions (amongst many more). 


We had arranged a workshop for the students which tied into the material they have done with waves this year. The students had to solve a variety of challenges using some incredible equipment we wouldn't usually have access too, all finishing with a "Mission-Impossible" style laser maze that the students had to beat, in order to steal some gold. It was fantastic to see the students working together so respectfully and the creative ways in which they solved the challenges. 


Finally, we had a visit to the Planetarium, where we saw a 3D show about the life cycle of stars. This was truly incredible, to see the night sky as it would be, but then have the ability to travel and experience it all "up-close". We learnt some different constellations that we can look for in the night sky, including Orion's belt, Canis Major and Taurus. We also learnt about the different stages that stars experience and how some of them eventually end, be that a white dwarf or a black hole. 


The students behaviour was outstanding. I'd like to thank each one of them for their incredible representation of our school and for making the trip so enjoyable. Their engagement and curiosity was inspiring and reminds you of why teaching is such a fantastic job. I hope this has encouraged them to be curious about the world around them (and beyond!) and to seek out understanding. 

"The cure for boredom is curiosity, There is no cure for curiosity!"