Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Student Property

Haygrove School cannot accept liability for the loss or theft of students’ property, nor for any damage done to it during school hours, except in the case of proven negligence.

We strongly advise students do not to bring valuables into school and we would like to ask all parents to check their insurance cover, especially with regard to bicycles.


Mobile Phones


Mobile phones are currently allowed in school, but they MUST be switched off during the school day (8.40am - 3.20pm). The use of a mobile phone for any recording purposes, sound or vision, is strictly forbidden. Failure to comply with these regulations will lead to the phone being confiscated and the student will be banned from bringing a mobile phone to school and could be excluded. This exclusion could be permanent.


Lost Property


Each term we have lots of lost items that are never re-claimed. Please can parents make sure that their child’s belongings, especially their PE Kit, are properly labelled so that if items go missing and are found they can be returned to their owner.